Crypto On/Off-ramp Testing Guide
This testing guide will allow you to quickly test out your sandbox integration before receiving production keys and going live. Additional testing credentials are provided here
1. Create a new user in sandbox
Our sandbox user registration is designed to intake any phone number starting with 96 as a test user
The OTP for the test account will be last 6 digits of the test phone number.
- Example: Phone number is 961-234-5678. OTP will be 345678
If the test number does not work or does not bring you to the KYC registration page, please try a different number or reach out to Sardine to reset the login.
2. Input KYC information
Name - Any value
Date of Birth - Any value where user is above 18 years old
Nationality - Any nationality
Address - Any physical address (No P.O. Boxes) that matches the nationality
3. Input additional user info
For US Users: SSN - Any random 9 diget number
For Non-US users: Questionnaire - Any answer provided is acceptable
4. Link a payment method
Use one of the below testing cards
Credit / Debit Card
Country | Card Type | Card Number |
US | Debit | 4659105569051157 |
FR | Credit | 4010056200000018 |
Other card details:
Any expiry date in the future
Any CVV code
Any postal/zip code
Additional payment methods are provided here
5. Create an order and link the wallet address
Once you’ve successfully created a new user and linked a payment method, create and then confirm the order.
If you have not passed a wallet address parameter when initializing the widget, please use the following wallet address:
Low Risk Wallet Address - 0xaaaaaA1234567890000000000000000000000003
5. Confirm Order completion
Once you have confirmed the order, you should see a screen like this.
You can exit or be redirected out of the Sardine widget. Once you have exited the widget you should receive updates on the order status via webhook.